Fencing News is a full colour, A4 magazine mailed out to approx 10,000 fencing industry companies and have an on growing subscription area. We have an estimated readership of 22,000.
Fencing & Landscaping News cover editorial under the following topics in each issue:
- Ringfenced (News)
- Health & Safety
- Timber Treatment
- Company News
- Company Profiles
- Contractors
- Timber Update
- New Products
- Machinery
- Fencing People
- Testimonials
- Security
- Landscaping
- What’s On
- Forestry
- Garden
We produce six issues a year:
- February / March
- April / May
- June / July
- August / September
- October / November
- December / January
Magazine Advertising
- Price On Request
Inserts Price on request
Please Note: With the full page, half page and quarter page adverts, we offer you the equivalent free editorial. For example a full page advert will come with a free full page editorial.
Prices shown are not inclusive of VAT.
Discounts – Available on request
Agencies – Provided ready artwork is submitted, will qualify for 10% discount
Online Advertising
Large advert (725×90 pixels) £100/month
Small advert (300×250 pixels) £50/month
Please supply your advert correctly sized in jpeg, png or gif format along with the URL you would like your advert to link to. Discounts apply for longer bookings.
For further details contact Ben Walton benwalton@fencing-news.co.uk.