An electric fence keeps animals safe and secure in their pasture. However, it is important to regularly check the electric fence to make sure it is working and now is a good time to do this.
Gallagher offers a step-by-step check called the Gallagher Check to help farmers ensure the safety of their animals. This is an easy way for customers to check their fence themselves.
The first step in the Gallagher Check is to check the energiser. This is simple to do. Switch the device off and disconnect the lead cable. Then, switch the device back on and hold a fence tester against the end of the red button (see photo).
Hold the end of the wire attached to the tester against the end of the other button. If the voltage is higher than 6,000 volts (V), then the device is working.
The next step is to check the voltage on the fence. Farmers will need to go to the end of the fence and check the voltage there. If the voltage is more than 1,500V lower than what was measured on the energiser, go back to the energiser and check the earthing.
The third step is to check the fence itself. Walk past the fence and check it. Is the wire tensioned properly? Is the wire damaged and are the connections between the wires still intact? Are all insulators present and undamaged? Are the posts straight? Are the gates still functioning properly?
The final step is to check the earthing of the energiser. Place an iron post against the fence at a distance of 100 metres from the energiser. Is the voltage on the fence now less than 1,000V? Or is it still 1,000V+? If so, place a few more posts against the fence until the voltage has dropped below 1,000V. Then walk to the earth pin of the energiser and measure the voltage on there. Is this voltage less than 300V? If it is, the earthing is good. But if the voltage is more than 300V, install extra earth stakes and carry out the test again.
Overall, the Gallagher Check is an easy and effective way for customers to ensure their electric fence is in tip top condition at the start of the season. By following these steps, farmers can be sure that their animals are safe and their fence is working well.