Lancashire Saws Ltd, a leading bandsaw blade manufacturer and saw servicing provider within the UK and Ireland, have made a significant investment in Iseli saw sharpening machinery. Based in the industrial town of Blackburn, Lancashire Saws have been operating since 1943 and have seen significant growth over the years. They collect and deliver around 2,000 […]Read More
When Gethin Lloyd, from Denbighshire, started contract fencing 23 years ago, he relied on his father’s tractor-mounted post driver until he could afford a one-man tracked post driver. “I had just moved house and had a small family, so I had to crawl before I could run as far as equipment choice was concerned,” said […]Read More
The 2024 end-of-year school report for Southam Automation would read: “Progressing nicely but could do better!” The past twelve months have been a “mixed bag” for the Warwickshire-based firm, established by business partners Brett Smith and Bob Ball, but they have high hopes for 2025 with the launch of a brand new machine that manufactures […]Read More
Salvamac continues to build momentum through new partnerships established in various countries around the world. Collaborating with well-prepared local dealers, the company has successfully expanded the export of its cutting-edge technology globally. Salvamac attributes much of its market success to these partnerships and its business philosophy centered around people, passion, and ethics. This approach has […]Read More
Founded in 1991, Alter Landscapes Ltd, trading as “Alter Supplies & Contracting,” is a family-run business based near Glasgow. For over three decades, they have provided top-quality fencing and soft landscaping services across Scotland and Northern England. Specializing in all types of fencing work, Alter offers services including: High-security fencing Sports fencing Domestic and agricultural […]Read More
He might be about to hang up his fencing tools but Jeff Ling will miss his Profencer. The health of his partner has meant retirement for Jeff, 71, who has been running his own fencing contractor business since 1985. The steady, reliable Profencer machine proved to be a willing and able co-worker for Jeff for […]Read More
The groundbreaking Profencer machine has reached the very northern extremities of the UK with Shetland farmer Jamie Leslie becoming an enthusiastic adherent. Jamie, who has 1000 ewes and 90 suckler cattle on his 900 acre Scholland Farm in the south of Shetland, is the sixth generation of his family to be involved in farming but […]Read More
You asked and we listened! New for 2024, Easy Petrol Post Driver has unveiled an exciting upgrade: a revamped transport and storage box. After regular request from our customers, the most notable difference is the new box now has wheels. Meaning the Post Driver can now be transported long distances in its box, across rugged […]Read More
STIHL has launched a new range of brushcutters, the most powerful battery powered brushcutters in its AP System, offering unrivalled power and efficiency to professional users. The FSA 200 and FSA 200 R boast a power output up to 60% higher compared to the FSA 135, giving the brushcutters a comparable performance to the petrol-powered […]Read More
When it comes to fencing then East Yorkshire-based Chris Kneeshaw knows his stuff He also understands the importance of efficient, reliable machinery aimed at easing the daily workload. He purchased a Profencer way back in December 2014 and it’s still going strong almost a decade on. “It’s faultless,” explained Chris “and, if I’m being honest, […]Read More

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