Mains-powered electric fencers are gaining traction due to their substantial cost savings, enhanced durability, and long-term reliability. This modern solution offers greater efficiency and flexibility, making it a preferred choice for many in the agricultural and land management sectors. Reliability and Effectiveness Mains-powered electric fencers are especially favored by livestock owners and land managers for […]Read More
As part of its ongoing sustainability and animal wellbeing strategy, The Blenheim Estate is introducing mob grazing. The estate have decided mob grazing is a more sustainable way to manage its 1,000 strong flock of Scotch Mule and Cheviot sheep. The practice emulates how animals flock and feed in the wild, grazing down the sward […]Read More
In recent years, the UK has faced periods of increasing drought and this can affect the functioning of electric fences. This is because dry ground acts as a poorer conductor of electricity than damp ground. This conduction is essential for shock to occur and for the fence to work effectively. As many as 50% of […]Read More
Gallagher’s i Seriessystem provides maximum control and safety for farmers’ fences. It offers smart solutions that can detect problems and notify farmers immediately, allowing them to take quick action. This saves farmers time and ensures ultimate safety for their animals. POWERFUL ENERGISERS The i Series energisers (i stands for intelligent) are powerful devices that constantly measure […]Read More
Encourage farmer customers to strip graze their animals with electric fencing to maximise grass yield. Strip grazing is a grazing method that involves confining animals to a narrow strip of ground between two mobile wires and moving the strip one to several times a day. This practice has numerous benefits for farmers and animals. WHY STRIP GRAZING? Firstly, strip […]Read More
An electric fence keeps animals safe and secure in their pasture. However, it is important to regularly check the electric fence to make sure it is working and now is a good time to do this. Gallagher offers a step-by-step check called the Gallagher Check to help farmers ensure the safety of their animals. This […]Read More
Fencing can play as big a part in keeping undesirable animals like foxes out of fields, as it does in keeping livestock in. Gallagher has a range of solutions to keep these crafty creatures out. Foxes, while looking rather lovely, are omnivorous predators that are largely active at dusk and at night. Their diet of […]Read More
While you may want horses to clear the fences at Aintree or Cheltenham, the objectives of horse fences at home or in equestrian centres are very different, and increasingly permanent electric fences are the firm favourite. According to Mark Oliver from Gallagher UK, there is increased demand from horse owners for electric fencing solutions. “Safety […]Read More
The use of electric fencing for horses is gaining in popularity, especially when used in conjunction with existing wooden fencing. Gallagher has a range of solutions especially designed to allow electric fencing to be retrofitted to a wooden fence. Horses are flight animals and visually oriented. Therefore it is preferred to have a clearly visible […]Read More
Electric Fencing brand leader Gallagher have developed the latest version of their interactive online tool to help design the optimum electric fence, whatever the circumstances. They say getting the design right will save time when constructing the actual fence. “We are seeing fences being used in a wide range of circumstances, from farms to smallholding, […]Read More

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