The use of electric fencing for horses is gaining in popularity, especially when used in conjunction with existing wooden fencing. Gallagher has a range of solutions especially designed to allow electric fencing to be retrofitted to a wooden fence.
Horses are flight animals and visually oriented. Therefore it is preferred to have a clearly visible fence for horses. It is also important to choose fencing that matches the behaviour of the animal. At the same time, many horse owners want fencing that they find visually appealing and for this reason, traditional wooden fences remain a popular option.
Many horse owners have beautiful wooden fencing around their meadows. This way their beloved horses are safe. The challenge comes in keeping wooden fences looking good an in good condition. This is because horses enjoy biting wood, meaning the wooden fence quickly deteriorates.
To help reduce this problem, Gallagher recommends protecting wooden fences by electrifying it. Fitting an electric fence to the wooden fence helps retain the appearance of the wooden fence, and at the same time, the electric fence provides an extra layer of protection for the horses, meaning they are even safer while the life of your wooden fence is extended.
A range of conductors can be easily fitted to wooden fencing. Gallagher recommends cord or tape conductors for optimum animal safety.
The most important consideration when electrifying an existing wooden fence is the insulators as the conductor has to be well attached to the fence, but far enough away to reduce the risk of sorting out.
Gallagher has developed a range of offset insulators specifically to allow the quick and effective addition of an electric strand to a wooden fence.
Whatever the requirement, Gallagher has the solution to adding protective electric fencing to existing wooden fencing for horses, alongside complete solutions for any horse fence be it temporary, semipermanent or for permanent fences.
For more information on the Gallagher range of electric fencing for horses, go to www.gallagher.eu