Encourage farmer customers to strip graze their animals with electric fencing to maximise grass yield.

Strip grazing is a grazing method that involves confining animals to a narrow strip of ground between two mobile wires and moving the strip one to several times a day. This practice has numerous benefits for farmers and animals.


Firstly, strip grazing leads to healthier pastures and grows more grass. Since the grass is only grazed for a short period, it grows back faster from its root reserves.

Strip grazing also involves less animal traffic on the pasture, so less grass is trampled and the soil is not compacted. Grazing becomes more even and less desirable grasses are also grazed, ensuring all areas of the pasture are eaten.

Secondly, strip grazing can lead to healthier animals. By giving animals a new section of grass every day they are less likely to pick up worms, which reduces the need for anthelmintic treatment.

Finally, strip grazing leads to more consistent grass intake. Since cattle get a new strip of grass every time, grass intake is more constant and animals can maintain a level diet. Animals also consume more protein-rich leaves, rather than sugary stems. This can lead to higher production and better growth.


Strip grazing can be implemented using tumble wheels, where one person can move a fence within minutes by rolling it across the pasture. However, mobile fence posts and a geared reel of electric fence wire can be used to set up a temporary fence in no time.

Strip grazing is an easy and effective method for farmers to maximise the yield of their fields and raise healthier animals. By adopting this method, farmers can reduce costs, increase production, and promote sustainable farming practices.

With the help of fencing innovations such as those offered by Gallagher, strip grazing has become easier and more accessible to farmers.

To find out more about strip grazing and all the products needed to produce a top-class electric fencing set-up visit

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