HSE authorises further uses for creosote-treated wood in UK
HSE authorises further uses for creosote-treated wood in UK
We reported in WPA News 16 January 2017 that the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) had authorised creosote in the UK under The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) for industrial treatment of wood to be used as poles or sleepers. At the same time, we reported that we expected creosote manufacturers to seek an extension of authorisation to include fence posts and agricultural tree stakes/supports. The authorisation for treatment of poles and sleepers runs to 29 March 2021 and allowed for existing stocks of creosote to be used up for treatment for other uses until 17 October this year.
Application for authorisation of creosote for treatment of fence posts and tree stakes was duly made and HSE recently informed creosote manufacturers that the application had been approved with effect from 17 October so creosote treatment of wood for these additional uses will be uninterrupted.
So, creosote is now authorised under the BPR for treatment of wood with creosote for the following end uses:
Railway sleepers and fence panels/horizontals used in highways fencing, equestrian fencing and animal security fencing (BS 8417 Use Class 3).
Overhead Electricity Poles; Telecommunication poles; Fencing posts for the safety critical uses of highways fencing, equestrian fencing and animal security fencing; Agricultural tree stakes/supports (fruit, vineyard and hops) only when a long service life (safety critical) is required (BS 8417 Use Class 4 – ground contact but not to be placed directly in fresh water).
Surface treatment of the above uses (to allow for re-treatment of surfaces exposed by working treated wood – for example cross-cutting and boring holes).
Authorisation for all uses expires on 29 March 2021 and application for a further 5-year authorisation to March 2026 will be made by the creosote manufacturers. The BPR sets out the renewal procedures including the date by which application has to be made. For the creosote authorisation expiring on 29 March 2021, the deadline for application for renewal is 26 September 2019. The WPA will keep members and UK stakeholders informed of developments as they occur.
Additional information required for the renewal application
1. Creosote residues in fruit crops supported on creosote-treated stakes
HSE has indicated that tests should be conducted on fruit from trees supported on creosote-treated stakes. The tests are to be designed to show if fruit picks up certain components of creosote during the growth phase and what level, if any, continues through to the consumer. WPA will work with creosote manufacturers on these tests.
2. Livestock risk assessment
Studies are required to estimate livestock exposure to creosote when held in fields with treated fencing.
These studies to be available to support application for renewal beyond March 2021.
Impact of Brexit
WPA Quality & Standards director