Royal melbourne GC Melbourne, Australia
Our 2024 golf day will be held as normal at The Belfry Golf Club on Thursday 16th May.
We will be playing on the prestigious PGA Championship course.
Once again the day will be sponsored by W & P Consultancy.
W & P Consultancy has been run by Phil Emsley for 8 years. With over 40 years experience in the Wood Preservation Market he is currently assisting several companies in complying with the latest UK Interpretational Guidance on the Industrial Emissions Directive, (IED)
The regulations require sites that operate timber treatment plants to carry out a review of their operation to ensure they have the necessary systems and documentation in place, such as an Environmental Management System, Best Available Techniques (BAT) Review and Site Condition Report.
The deadline for compliance is December 2024. If you would like Phil to assist your business he can be contacted on 07802 884059.
We have limited amount of spaces for the day, so for more information contact Ben at benwalton@fencing-news.co.uk