You need something reliable when on an Island…

 You need something reliable when on an Island…

Ian Macarthur takes KLOU to the Isle of Tiree

Ian had done his homework, and decided that the VPD1.2 VIBRATING POST DRIVER by KLOU was the right attachment for his Hitachi ZX65 excavator.

Within one week of ordering it, Ian received his post driver on the Isle of Tiree (the most wester-ly island of the Inner Hebrides)

“I have been really impressed with the VPD1.2 Post Driver. It is very compact, easy to operate and incredibly effective in driving in posts of all sizes and shapes.

We have got some pretty harsh conditions around here, but the Klou Post Driver is doing everything it should and more!”

Another very happy customer—Ian Macarthur

———————-WATCH THIS VIDEO——————
