There’s a refreshingly honest, no nonsense approach to business from Tom Stockdale of Cheshire-based Stockdale Fencing… and it’s paying dividends big time! From solid farming stock and armed with a National Diploma and degree in Agriculture, Tom founded the company with wife Veronica back in 2009 after a few years in the industry. It has […]Read More
The Norfolk Stock Fencing Company Ltd has come a long way since Matthew Copplestone bought the business lock, stock and postknocker back in 2010. Before Matthew acquired the NSFC he spent the first few years as a one man band but now, 16 years on, he works alongside five other employees with others available on […]Read More
From lions to lemurs, monkeys to meerkats, Stephen Beynon’s average day spent fencing is…well far from average! Stephen, who has run Beynon Fencing for the past 18 years, counts South West Wales attraction Folly Farm adventure park as one of his many regular customers with the responsibility for ensuring all of the zoo’s animal enclosures, […]Read More
There can be few more passionate landscaping and fencing contractors in the UK than Scotsman Mark Gerrard of Muddy Boots. You only have look down the list of testimonials on the East Lothian Trust a Trader website to realise Mark is an individual who consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty. Almost all […]Read More
Coming from solid Isle of Man farming stock, Adam Huxham knows a thing or two about fencing on agricultural land. It’s a big part of working life for Adam, 34, who hails from the village of Ballaugh on the north of the island. As a self-employed contractor since 2008, Adam knows plenty about domestic and […]Read More
You can tell a lot about the Kiwi mentality by watching the All Blacks rugby union team. It’s toughness and focus personified (the last rugby union World Cup semi-final not withstanding!) and the same can be said for the fencing industry across New Zealand. For proof just ask James Corbett, a fencing contractor from Brackley […]Read More
TEN UP FOR PROUD WELSHMAN IAN Ian Richards is a happy man. This proud Welshman is still reveling in Wales’ Six Nations triumph over England in Cardiff when I interview him. It’s ten years since Ian set up his fencing business, based at Groombridge near Tunbridge Wells in Kent and it’s thriving thanks to the same […]Read More
KINGHITTER REACHES THE PEAKS Fencing in the Derbyshire Peak District brings its own challenges but Dan Critchlow has the perfect solution in the form of a Kinghitter post knocker. Dan, who set up Hope Valley-based Dan Critchlow Fencing around 8 years ago, has been fencing for almost two decades but suffered a break in […]Read More
Top tips for landscapers during the winter months The life of a gardener can seem pretty good: spending time in nature and listening to sweet birdsong on warm, sunny days. But, as anyone in the business knows, it’s not all roses — especially when winter rolls around. This time of year can be extremely difficult […]Read More
FENCING INDUSTRY PULLS TOGETHER IT’S INCREDIBLE HOW THE FENCING INDUSTRY PULLS TOGETHER TO LOOK AFTER ITS OWN IN TIMES OF GRIEF. Earlier this year Scottish fencing contractor Damien McDougall tragically took his own life leaving a wife and 3 children to cope with the aftermath. Within days a group of fencers who knew Damien had […]Read More

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